Almost Famous
Regarding the subject of this blog… there was once a book by an author with my name entitled that… I should read it.
I don’t know if this is good or bad, but I can now officially be googled and people will get (as of right now) 755 hits. I wish my name were associated with something better, or I had said something more prophetic, but my claim to fame for those 15 seconds was standing up for another country’s diplomatic sensitivities by not releasing their location during a major incident while in the paragraph preceding my eloquence names a specific country. Makes me look like a fumbling idiot… I love it. Ha!
I also love the part where if you really get down into this google search… the conspiracy theory engines are working ideas about what I said. All that just makes me laugh. They need to go home, put the tin foil back up on their windows and let all the voices in their heads calm them to sleep.
So I’m famous… Everybody around here is bringing me print outs of articles asking for my autograph. Old friends are coming out of the woodworks and saying “Hey, saw you in the paper.” Like I’m going to share my limelight. HA! No really… so this is what it feels like to win American Idol because tomorrow, nobody will remember my name.
I didn’t actually have to talk to all 755 media. Just felt like about 734 of them. What made it all the more fun is that I was practically the only one in the office. Great experience for my tool belt of things I’ve done in my career and my team did great responding… wasn’t all me, I was just the voice on the phone.
Today has been dead. The story is now old. I’m washed up. I probably won’t even get invited to the Oscars now. I was the “it” guy for 10 seconds and now I’m relegated to doing underwear modeling jobs for JC Penny catalogs.
The worst part of the day was when I went to dinner late and the lobster tails were gone. Somamabitch.
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